Monday, February 9, 2015

Ben & Jerry's - Phish Food

Phish Food - Chocolate Ice Cream with Gooey Marshmallow Swirls, Caramel Swirls & Fudge Fish.

Phish Food is a flavor I often return to.  I am not a chocoholic but once in a while I do appreciate something very chocolatey and I often go for Phish Food over arguably chocolatey flavors such as Chocolate Fudge Brownie, New York Super Fudge Chunk or Chocolate Therapy.

Its is a very chocolatey flavor.  As you can see from the photos, the marshmallow is also quite noticeable but the caramel swirl is fairly subtle.  I've had this flavor several times before and I had forgotten about the caramel.  The main effect of the swirls is the gooeyness.  Its a softer pint and even makes it feel like the ice cream is melting faster.  Because of this, everything blends together more than usual. I ate it all in one sitting (very filling!) but I'd be interested in knowing how well this refreezes.
The "fish" are small and hide so well in the ice cream that I had never *seen* them in previous pints.  One of them was stuck to my lid tonight though, so I was able to get a good picture of one (see attached). Although usually unseen, these fish add quite a bit of chocolatey crunchiness to almost every scoop.  They are basically fudge chips.

Anyhow, a good flavor for a chocolate fix.  Will have again.  Although since you did mention the S'mores flavor, there are a lot of similarities between the two.  Both are heavy on the chocolate an marshmallow.  Both have fudge chunks or fish.  The difference is that Phish Food has a caramel while S'mores has graham cracker swirl.  The caramel in Phish Food is very subtle, though whereas you definitely notice the graham cracker swirl in the S'mores.  An interesting comparison.  Phish Food is much more easy to find in stores, though.  Almost every place has them whereas S'mores is stocked by about a third of the stores.

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