Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Yeti - Blueberry Pancake

Blueberry Pancake - Blueberry Ice Cream infused with Maple Syrup
People who know me in real life know that in addition to loving ice cream, I also love pancakes.  So when I saw a Blueberry Pancake flavor, I had to give it a try.  The brand is Yeti Frozen Custard.  Yeti was started by Andy Ramos and Brad Hardin in Austin, Texas.  Originally, Yeti was a food truck, but in 2014 they started focusing on distribution to retain stores. I found my pint at Sprouts.  It is frozen custard instead of ice cream.  As mentioned in previous reviews, that means there is higher percentage of egg yolk solids in the mix.

Removing the lid shows an light purplish blue of the blueberry base with some small dark blue flecks visible.    Eating my way into the pint, the ice cream has a cool blueberry flavor which was delicious.  It turns out the flecks are small pieces of blueberry peel.  These pieces do not provide much taste or texture but it is a nice bit of authenticity to the flavor.  As I continued eating, I got a bit puzzled because I did not find anything added which was pancake-related.  I checked the list of ingredients to see what I should be expecting.  Maple syrup is indeed listed as an ingredient fairly high up on the list but its flavor did not stick out.  I did some further research online and came across this promotional video which appears to show a maple-flavored ice base with much darker blueberry swirls.  Also, although I normally don't read other reviews before writing my own, I checked a few of them just for screen shots.  Their images match the video -- maple base and blueberry swirl.  I wonder if something happened to the batch that was used to make my pint.  Perhaps, the blueberry swirl was fully blended into the base to make one homogeneous blueberry-maple flavor.   I'm not sure.  If you've had this flavor before, then let me know.

Overall, this pint tasted good enough -- it had a nice blueberry flavor -- but the pancake lover in me was a bit disappointed by how it all got mixed together.  Maple syrup is a flavor I might have noticed alone but when completed blended with the blueberry, it just tasted like blueberry.  One day, maybe I'll try this again to see if I get a different mix.


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