Saturday, August 26, 2017

Jeni's - Pistachio & Honey

Pistachio & Honey - Pistachio & Honey Ice Cream

We return to the Columbus-based Jeni's brand for their Pistachio & Honey flavor.  Recently, I had tried a pint of pistachio from the usually-reliable Tillamook brand and was disappointed.  A reader in the comment section mentioned that I should try Jeni's, so I ran out and picked up a pint.  As you may recall from previous reviews, Jeni's is the super-premium brand which uses tapioca starch as a thickening agent.  I am hoping that they restore my faith in the pistachio flavor.  Here, they mix the pistachio with honey.

Removing the lid shows a beige color instead of the green that I normally imagine when I think of pistachio.  There might be a tinge of olive green if I look at for a bit.  That was the case with the Tillamook pint as well, but here the presence of honey might be another explanation.  Digging in, there is quite a bit of pistachio flavor as I eat each spoonful.  The honey seems to add a bit sweetness as well as a little bit of an aftertaste. I mean aftertaste in a good way here.  Ample Hills' Commodore flavor had a similar salted honey aftertaste and I loved that flavor.  As usual with Jeni's, this is a very thick and slow-melting pint.  The tapioca starch is doing its job.

I really enjoyed this pint.  I think the honey was what was missing in the Tillamook pint that I had a couple of weeks ago.  Jeni's has restored my faith in pistachio ice cream!  If you're a fan of pistachio, give this pint a try.



  1. I really enjoyed this flavor, as well.

    McConnells has a limited edition flavor right now called rose water and pistachio. It's amazing (I do love floral flavors, though).

    1. Funny that you mention that, I have the Melting Pot Collection in my freezer as we speak.

  2. The entire melting pot collection is great. The rose is my favorite, then the chai. Fun flavors.
