Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Izzy's - Chocolate Chip

Chocolate Chip - Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Chips

Today's flavor comes from the Saint Paul-based Izzy's Ice Cream, but it is not a hand-packed offering from one of their scoop shops.  This is Chocolate Chip -- one of their pre-packed 'tall cups' that you can get in local grocery stores.  I got it at Lunds & Byerlys in Highland Park.  It looks like a simple vanilla chocolate chip implementation with the chocolate chips made with Callebaut belgian chocolate.  Let's check it out.

Removing the lid, the vanilla ice cream is a bright white color and the many chocolate chips can be seen right away.  Digging in, the vanilla is rich and creamy and has a bright vanilla flavor.  The chocolate chips are excellent.  They are flake-shaped and provide very good chocolate flavor when as I crunch into them and they melt in my mouth.  They remind me of the flaky chips that I had in chocolate chip ice creams when I was a kid, but I can tell that the Callbaut chocolate is a higher quality that what I had back then.

This is excellent ice cream.  Vanilla chocolate chip is a very basic flavor which might not be too exciting for everyone but this is very well done in every way.  It reminds me a lot of Häagen-Dazs' basic flavors -- although I do not appear to have reviewed their chocolate chip flavor quite yet.   These pre-packed tall cups from Izzy's are becoming increasingly available in grocery stores in the metro area.  Check them out if you see them.

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