Friday, February 7, 2020

Pumphouse - Lemon & Shortbread Ripple

Lemon & Shortbread Ripple - Sweet Cream with Lemon Sauce and a Shortbread Ripple
Today is another new flavor from Pumphouse Creamery in South Minneapolis.  This is called Lemon & Shortbread Ripple.  They describe it as a variant of their popular Buttermilk with Lemon Bars flavor.  As a big fan of lemon flavors, I am interested to see how this compares.  It is great all these new flavors from Pumphouse in the middle of the winter.  It's big fun. 

But first, it is milestone duty.  This is my 600th review!  And other collage of the previous 100 flavors:

Flavors 501 through 600

For previous collages, see the reviews for  for 100200300, 400, and 500It never ceases to amaze me how many different ways that a pint of ice cream can be made.  You would think I would get bored of it by now but the opposite is true.  I still find myself eagerly checking online websites and grocery store freezer cases for new flavors and I keep finding them.  Here's to more great ice cream in 2020.

OK, back to today's flavor.  The top of the pint after removing the lid is beautiful.  I see a spiral-shaped swirl of lemon sauce right there on the top.  Underneath, the base ice cream is a bright white color with a slight yellowish tinge and I can see a few of the shortbread crumbs already as well.  Digging in, the base is very thick.  It's the time of base that you might want to let soften a bit before eating.  I quickly encounter the lemon swirl which is excellent.  A bright lemon flavor which is and appropriate mixture of sweet and tart.  The shortbread ripple ends up manifesting itself as some crunchiness that I encounter from time to time while enjoying the lemon and sweet cream.

I enjoyed this flavor quite a bit.  The lemon sauce is quite delicious and the ripple adds some texture.  Checking their website, it looks like it has been replaced by their more signature Buttermilk with Lemon Bars flavor -- that is understandable as that flavor is unique to them.  The two flavors are quite different though.  Here, using sweet cream instead of buttermilk creates a cleaner and sweeter flavor.  It will be interesting to see if this flavor comes back or if it was just a mid-winter experiment.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on this milestone!
    Even though we are only posting locally made or bought reviews the members of East Metro Foodies look forward to every review!
