Sunday, January 9, 2022

Baskin Robbins - Gold Medal Ribbon

Gold Medal Ribbon - Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Creams with a Caramel Ribbon

Before Ben & Jerry there was Burt & Irv.  Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins, that is.  Today's flavor from Baskin Robbins is called Gold Medal Ribbon.  I bought it at Cooper Foods on West 7th in Saint Paul.  Today's flavor looks like a relatively simple mixture of chocolate, vanilla and caramel.  The chocolate and vanilla being ice cream flavors and the caramel being a swirl.  Let's check it out.

Removing the lid, I see primarily chocolate on the top.  A small yellowish white section of vanilla ice cream is visible in the middle.  I also see some orange-ish sections which I assume are the caramel ribbon.  Digging in, I start to see a bit more of the vanilla ice cream.  I feel like there is still a bit more chocolate ice cream but it is a 60/40 split rather than something higher.  Marbling chocolate and vanilla bases has an interesting flavor.  It is not my personal favorite, but it appears in some very popular flavors such as Ben & Jerry's Half Baked.  The caramel ribbon in this pint is pretty good.  It provides a bit of gooey texture along with the caramel flavor.

This is a simple and solid vanilla-chocolate-caramel flavor from Baskin Robbins.  Not super premium in quality, but still reliable.  As mentioned above, the marbling of chocolate and vanilla ice creams is not my personal favorite -- I prefer vanilla bases and chocolate and caramel mix-ins when these flavors are combined as in Ben & Jerry's Vanilla Caramel Fudge.  I may be in the minority, there, though.  Fans of marbled and chocolate & vanilla would eat this up.  

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