Sunday, February 5, 2017

Ben & Jerry's - Truffle Kerfuffle

Truffle Kerfuffle - Vanilla Ice Cream with Roasted Pecans, Fudge Chips & a Salted Chocolate Ganache Swirl

It is an exciting time in the world of ice cream because Ben & Jerry's has three new flavors for 2017.  Ben & Jerry's was the first brand that I covered here so it is always fun when they release new flavors and I can write about them again. Thus far I can only find the Truffle Kerfulffle flavor, so I'll start with that.

Opening the pint, I see lots of stuff.  The base is vanilla but there is quite a bit of discoloration from the ganache swirl and quite a few fudge chips are also visible.  Digging in, the fudge chips are quite numerous and make this a very chunky pint.  These chips have have the texture of a candy bar coating -- they are thick and a bit crumbly.  They provide a bit of chocolate flavor.  There are some small pecan pieces blended in as well.  The ganache swirl is like a creamy chocolate.  The ganache is not too thick but it is quite memorable when you get a bit of it in your mouth at once.  All and all, this pint did taste like chocolate pecan truffles blended into ice cream -- it was like candy bar ice cream.  Reminded me the old Nutty Caramel Swirl flavor but a bit more high end.  That flavor was like snickers bar, this pint is like truffles.

A very successful new flavor from Ben & Jerry's.  The do mix-ins as good as anyone and this pint is loaded with them.  If you like a crunchy candy-like ice cream, then this is a new flavor for you.


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