Friday, February 3, 2017

Jeni's - Lemon Buttermilk

Lemon Buttermilk - Lemon Buttermilk Frozen Yogurt

I decided to try something different this week.  This is my first review of a pint of frozen yogurt.  This is the Columbus-based Jeni's brand's implementation of a Lemon Buttermilk flavor.  Jeni's uses special package here -- a hard-to-read yellow ink instead of the standard orange.  This is the only Jeni's pint of frozen yogurt in the freezer case, so I do not know if the yellow is because it is lemon or because it is frozen yogurt.  The website said this is one of their most popular flavors which intriques me.  I love lemon flavor but it often does not mix well with milk and cream.  Maybe yogurt is the trick.

There was room between the yogurt and the lid at the top of the pint, so it looked like it had been freshly poured.  It was the expected yellowish-white color.  The first spoonful was quite lemony in flavor yet it was still soft and creamy.  There are no mix-ins here, just the simple homogenous base.  As I continued to eat, the lemon stayed flavorful but I noticed a bit of sourness.  I don't know if that was from the buttermilk or the lemon.  Perhaps both.  It was good sourness, though.  Similar to what you might get in a good glass of lemonade.

This was good lemon flavor.  It reminded me of the base flavor in an old McConnell's flavor.  There, the lemon was a bit icier while the yogurt here allowed it to be creamier.  Both delicious though.  The McConnell's pint had a berry swirl, so there was more flavor to the pint.  I think I would like this lemon buttermilk flavor if there was a mix-in of some kind even if it was just to provide a change in texture.  Perhaps not a pint to eat all at once by itself but one to savor a scoop at a time alongside something else.


  1. I had the lemon & blueberries Jeni's was really good! Think you might like it more

    1. Thanks. I have limited Jeni's selection here in CA, but if I see that one I will definitely try it out.
