Monday, January 7, 2019

Sweet Science - Malted Vanilla

Malted Vanilla - Malted Vanilla Ice Cream

The Saint Paul-based Sweet Science brand has released its January flavors.  It seems like I just finished their December flavors, but who can complain about having so many new flavors of ice cream each month?  There are two January flavors will I picked up when I was there, but today's pint is one from their standard line called Malted Vanilla.  My sister tried and liked this flavor at the Keg & Case scoop shop the other day and she was teasing me that she had had a flavor which I hadn't tried yet.  So, I picked this pint as a bonus flavor.  Checking my reviews, I see that malted vanilla was the base used in their Dynamo Fudge Swirl flavor from last year.  A malted vanilla is also the base used for Ben & Jerry's famous Chubby Hubby flavor.  Sometimes malt is around to supply its own flavor and sometimes it mutes a stronger flavor.  Let's check it out.

Opening the pint shows the yellowish-white color of the malted vanilla base.  The ice cream has a nice thick and creamy texture as my spoon digs through it.  I can taste the vanilla flavor quite easily since there are no mix-ins and I can also taste the malt -- this is a pint where the malt provides its own flavor and doesn't just dull the vanilla.  It is quite good and it is very creamy.

This is a good pint of malted vanilla ice cream.  The vanilla and malt flavors are balanced quite well so that you can taste both -- one does not dominate the other.  The creamy texture is quite good too.  It's just a vanilla ice cream so it may not be as exciting as many of the other pints that I try, but it could be perfect for a scoop that accompanies another dessert.

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