Sunday, January 20, 2019

Izzy's - PB & Yay!

PB & Yay! - Peanut Butter Granola Ice Cream with Chocolate Crispies and Mini PB Cups

Tonight was not supposed to be an ice cream night.  I ordered out from Pizza Luce in Saint Paul instead.  Much to my surprise, they had pre-packaged pints of Izzy's Ice Cream available to get with my pizza -- and they had a flavor that I have not seen in local grocery stores as well.  Well, I just could not pass this up!  I picked up a pint of a flavor called PB & Yay!  It is a peanut butter-based pint with granola, chocolate crispies and peanut butter cup mix-ins.  That sounds pretty good.  There was an extra layer of foil around it when I picked up my pizza.  I quickly put it in the freezer when I got home.

After dinner and some time to digest (I usually try to eat lighter on ice cream nights), I cracked open the pint.  The peanut butter base is a very light beige color.  It wasn't at all melted from the transit.  Digging in, the base is soft and has a nice texture.  The peanut butter base has a delicious nutty flavor and is not too heavy.  It is quite excellent.  Soon I encounter the mix-ins.  There are three kinds.  The first are the small peanut butter cups.  I mainly taste the chocolate in these because the peanut-butter center is so small.  That's OK because there is peanut butter in the base.  The second type of mix-in is the granola pieces.  These are little crunchy little nutty nuggets with a small dose of sweetness.  Mainly what I notice is the lack of chocolate.  The other two mix-ins have chocolate.  The third mix-in is the chocolate crispies.  These are the same chocolate crispies used in the Snap Crackle Chocolate flavor from last year.  They are crunchy and taste like chocolate-flavored rice krispies (which is pretty much what they are).  Each individual mix-in is pretty good, but as with any pint that contains lots of different types of mix-ins I feel like I am not getting enough of each individual mix-in.  I guess the flip side is that it keeps me from getting too much of one of the mix-ins -- it keeps my taste buds on their toes.

This is a pretty good pint of ice cream.  The best part of the pint is the peanut butter base.  It has an excellent nutty flavor that was not too heavy.  I was able to easily eat the entire pint even after having pizza for dinner.  Each of the three mix-ins was pretty good, but the mix left me wanting to try a pint with more of one of them.  Every time I found myself enjoying a granola piece, then the next spoonful would have a peanut butter cup, etc.  I suppose some might like the pint more for that very reason, but I'd be interested in trying a pint that had more of those granola pieces.  This is all nitpicking though.  Peanut butter lovers who like mix-ins will like this pint.

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