Thursday, January 19, 2017

Three Twins - Banana Nut Confetti

Banana Nut Confetti - Banana Ice Cream with Walnuts and Flecks of Dark Chocolate

Long-time readers know that I am a fan of banana flavored ice cream.  It is not my absolute favorite -- that would be mint chocolate chip -- but I am enough of a fan where I consciously try not get the banana flavors too often.  I recently checked and saw that it had been a few months since the last banana flavored pint was reviewed, so I figured it was time.  So, I picked up a pint of Three Twins' Banana Nut Confetti.  "Confetti" is there way of saying chocolate chip.  These ingredients are quite similar to Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey, so it makes for a good head-to-head comparison. 

Opening the lid, the top of the pint is off-white yellow as one would expect from a banana base and plenty of dark chocolate flecks are visible already.  Digging in, the banana base is a sweeter type of banana -- a bit more like the banana in banana pudding or banana cream pie than the banana in banana bread.  Its very flavorful right away and did not get too sweet or too overwhelming as I continued eating as can happen with some banana flavoring.  It was delicious.  Flecks is a good word for the dark chocolate pieces.  They were indeed the "flakey" kind of chocolate pieces which good mix-ins -- crumbly-crunchy with a lot of surface area for providing chocolate flavor.  Walnuts were also mixed in and tasted as expected.

This was a successful flavor.  It is indeed a lot like Chunky Monkey with a couple of key differences.  Chunky Monkey had more of an earthy banana-bread type of banana flavor while Banana Nut Confetti was sweeter flavor.  Chunky Monkey has those rectangular mini-chocolate-bar type mix-ins while Banana Nut Confetti had more standard flakes.  Which one you prefer is up to you.  Some people have strong feelings about which type of banana flavoring they prefer.  I actually like the sweeter banana but for some people it is too much.   Also, the flakes are probably a more efficient way of delivering chocolate but there's something fun and unique about those bars in Chunky Monkey. 


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