Sunday, August 20, 2017

Steve's - Salty Caramel

Salty Caramel - Caramel Ice Cream with Sea Salt Caramel Sauce

We return to Steve's Ice Cream for their implementation of a Salty Caramel flavor.  Salted Caramel is a big thing in ice cream for the past five years or so.  This particular pint includes both a caramel base and a salted caramel swirl.  Usually, you only get one or the other.  I am looking forward to this pint.

Removing the lid shows the off-white color of the caramel.  There is not a strong caramel color.  Digging into the pint, the base is creamy, but extremely thick.  I stopped and let it sit out for a couple of minutes to let it soften a bit so that my spoon would slice through it better.  The caramel flavor was good, but like the color it was not too strong.  I saw a little bit of a caramel swirl but it was very small.  Eating my way further down, I had trouble seeing evidence of the swirl until I got to three-quarters the way down and then there was large amounts of caramel.  All of the swirl had settled down to the bottom of the pint.  I tried the swirl.  It was thick, caramelly and with a noticeable kick of salt.  It was quite good, but I was already down to the bottom and there was not a lot of ice cream left.  I took extra pictures this pint so you can see all the caramel at the bottom.

The ingredients of this pint were good, but there was a mixing issue.  This has happened with Steve's before. so it is not a fluke, I think it is an issue with their manufacturing process. 


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