Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Izzy's - Four Berry

Four Berry - Ice Cream made with Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries and Blueberries

Today's flavor is from Izzy's Ice Cream in Saint Paul.  The flavor is called Four Berry.  I was compelled to get this pint because the four berries used here exactly match the ones that I see most often at my local grocery store -- strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries.  My grocery shopping is often dictated by which of those berries happens to be on sale that week.  What happens when you put all four berries into the same ice cream?  We shall see.

Opening the pint, I see that the ice cream has a purplish pink color.  I suppose that's about the average color of those four berries.  This might be a little more purple than I would have guessed, but it is pretty close.  I see a lot of little chunks in there, too.  Some fruit pieces and seeds are in the mix.  That is fun.  In the first spoonful, the first berry I taste is blueberry, then maybe blackberry and raspberry.  As I continue eating, I notice some strawberry as well.  Particularly the small strawberry pieces which are easy to pick out.  The fruits blend pretty well.  Izzy's is really good at blending fruit flavors.  That surprised me at first, but I have had several fruit blends now that I have come to expect it.

This is a fun and interesting blend of berries from Izzy's.  I have just noticed that this the more famous Church Elderberry flavor contains the same four berries plus elderberry extract.  This is a different mix, though.  Church Elderberry was more tart and leaned more on raspberries and strawberries.  This pint was a little sweeter and contained more blueberries and blackberries.  I think I still have to go with Church Elderberry as the favorite of the two -- especially with its association with the Minnesota State Fair -- but Four Berry is also an excellent flavor.

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