Monday, June 22, 2020

Tillamook - Authentic Sweet Cream

Authentic Sweet Cream - Sweet Cream Gelato

Today I return to Oregon's Tillamook Creamery for their implementation of a simple Sweet Cream flavor.  I got it at Kowalski's on Grand in Saint Paul.  This is my first review of a simple sweet cream flavor.  I have done several reviews of vanilla, but this is my first pint of sweet cream.   Sweet cream is even simpler than vanilla -- it's basically vanilla without the vanilla.  That means it's just just milk, cream, sugar and whatever else is used to help thicken it up (egg yolks, tapioca, gums, etc) to give it the expected texture when it is churned.  Why did I chose to review a sweet cream?  Well, this is the last flavor in their special batch pint collection which I have not yet tried.  I have very much enjoyed the Tillamook brand (especially when they don't layer their mix-ins) so I figured it was worth it to complete their menu.  One note on Tillamook, though, they have completely different flavors in their 1.75 quart size!  I want to try these, but that's too large of a size for me -- the equivalent of 3.5 pints.  But it does give me hope that they'll cycle these flavors into the pint collection at some point.  Who knows.  OK.  On to today's flavor!

Removing the lid, the foil has a nice message for me.  "Mine.  All mine."  Cute.  Peeling that back the base is very white.  Very, very white.  One of my pictures below is unfocused because my camera's autofocus had trouble with all the whiteness.  I take at least shots of every pose, too, figuring at least one of them will turn out, but they were all blurry.  Digging in, the sweet cream has an excellent creamy texture and a very milky flavor.  Very simple, but very well done.  I'll note the texture again because it is very well done.  Tillamook does a great job of being thick and dense but still very easy to spoon.

I enjoyed this pint of sweet cream.  It is a very simple flavor -- the simplest! -- but it is quite well done.  It might not be something that you would crave when you are eating a pint by itself out of the carton, but a flavor like this is a really good complement for a piece of cake or a slice of pie.  That completes my survey of the Tillamook pint line for now.  As I said before, I don't like they way they do layered pints (examples here and here) because the layers are tough and hard to mix into the base but the non-layered pints are usually very good.

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