Monday, June 8, 2020

Sweet Science - Almond Toffee Ganache

Almond Toffee Ganache - Light Caramel Ice Cream with Almond Toffee and Chewy Creamy Chocolate Ganache
Another new flavor from Sweet Science!  They've been creative during this pandemic lockdown.  I picked up this pint as part of a four-pack which I got curbside pickup outside of the Keg & Case Market in Saint Paul.  Today's flavor is called Almond Toffee Ganache.  It reminds me of a flavor from my previous pickup called Cherry Almond Ganache which I did like.  Let's dig in.

After removing the lid, I see that the base ice cream has a light beige color to it.  The side of the carton labels this as a light caramel and this is indeed lighter than their Salted Caramel flavor.  Both types of mix-ins are visible right away.  The toffee pieces have a tan color which is noticeably darker than that light caramel base and I see pieces of ganache similar to those that are in the Cherry Almond Ganache pint.  There I wrote that I had never seen solid chunks of ganache which you could chew on -- it usually has a thick sauce-like textures -- but that I liked it and it tastes very good!  Digging in, the light caramel base is indeed lighter.  That's not unexpected though because their Salted Caramel flavor is quite strong and salter.  This is a milder flavor which allows more focus on the mix-ins.  The toffee is quite interesting.  It is a bit crunchy, but not in a jaw-breaking way like some toffees.  It broke apart pretty easily when I chewed on it.  I had a decent nutty flavor to it, but not super strong like a marzepan.  I liked it.  It went well with the light caramel base.  The ganache was excellent again like last time.  There was noticeably less of it than in the previous pint, but the amount here is a good balance.  Here the ganache complements the almond toffee and caramel and does not dominate the pint.

I enjoyed this pint from Sweet Science.  It's is a pretty good toffee and caramel pint with some of this tasty chewy ganache.  Checking my review archive, I see a couple of toffee and chocolate combinations that don't include coffee or other ingredients.  Graeter's Toffee Chocolate Chip contains Heath Bar pieces (a harder toffee) and Graeters' distinctive chocolate chips (which are chewy and can be large).  The closest match that I can find appears to be a limited-batch Phish-themed pint from Ben & Jerry's called It's...Ice Cream.  Very close!  Malted caramel instead of light caramel and fudge fish instead of chewy ganache.  If this flavor combination sounds interesting and you encounter this Sweet Science flavor as things open up later this summer, check it out.

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