Sunday, June 3, 2018

Three Twins - Sea Salted Caramel

Sea Salted Caramel - Salted Caramel Ice Cream 
We continue our recent tour of salted caramel ice cream flavors.  I think it is actually helpful to examine these back to back so that I can differentiate them more while the flavors are fresh in my mind.  Today, we look at the Sea Salted Caramel flavor from Three Twins.  Three Twins is the northern-California-based brand which uses organic ingredients.  It will be interesting to see what their take on salted caramel is.

Removing the lid, I see a medium-level caramel color.  Darker than Graeter's, but light enough that you can tell that it's been blended with cream.  The first spoonful hits you with good solid caramel flavor.  Occasionally the flavor is strong enough to remind me of a Slo-Poke or a Sugar Daddy, but not so strong as to take away from the feeling that I am eating ice cream.  A bit of salt is noticeable right away.  You can tell that they added a little extra salt, but they don't go over the top to produce the extra-salty effect that some brands are going for.  The ice cream is of good creamy consistency.  As I eat my way down the pint the saltiness builds a little bit, but not so much as to be overpowering or make me thirsty.

This is a solid implementation of a salted caramel flavor.  The quality of the ice cream and caramel flavor are quite high.  It seems like one of the distinguishing characteristics of all of these salted caramel implementations is the salt level.  For this pint, I would put the level at 'medium'.  You can taste the salt but the caramel is the star of the show.


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