Thursday, February 28, 2019

Milkjam Creamery - Pistachio Halva

Pistachio Halva - Pistachio Halva Ice Cream
Today is another flavor from the Minneapolis-based Milkjam Creamery.  They have a limited-batch flavor called Pistachio Halva.  The flavor is so limited that it is no longer available, but you never know if it may come back.  Anyhow, when the flavor was still listed, their description said simply "just that".  Thankfully, I found an instagram post of theirs which has a better description.
"Pistachio Halva: halva is a middle eastern sesame confection that is made by grinding sesame seeds (tahini) and mixing in sugar syrup and flavorings. here it’s made with pistachios and a little hint of rose water for a very light aromatic note."

That sounds interesting.  So, although this has pistachio in it like in the previous review, it is actually a sesame-based confection.  This should be fun.

The base ice cream is a light sandy yellow.  Most pistachio ice creams are green, so that's certainly a sign that halva is sesame based.  I see some large pieces of pistachio on top as well.  As I try the first spoonful, I can taste the pistachio, but I can tell that it is not the main flavor.  I have never had halva or tahini before, but the flavor does seem consistent with a sweet, sesame-based treat.  It's definitely interesting and unique -- and pretty good, too.  Pistachio pieces are used as mix-ins.  These are fairly large and provide quite a bit of flavor and chunky texture. 

This is a very interesting and unique pint of ice cream.  At first, I thought it would be like a twist on the standard pint of pistachio, but the halva/tahini is at least half of the flavor.  The rosewater is just for accent here.  I note some subtle tanginess, but it doesn't stick out as it does in a previous rosewater and pistachio pint.  Fans of the middle-eastern halva dessert would want to try this out as well as curious folks who are interested in trying something new.

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