Saturday, August 15, 2020

Alden's - Dough Yeah

Dough Yeah - Vanilla Ice Cream with Cookie Dough Pieces and Ribbons of Chocolate Fudge

Today I return to the Oregon-based Alden's Ice Cream for a flavor called Dough Yeah.  It is their implementation of chocolate chip cookie dough with extra ribbons of chocolate fudge.  I bought this pint at the Target in the Midway neighborhood of Saint Paul.  Let's check it out.

The top of the pint shows that the vanilla base has an off-white color while the some of the chocolate fudge swirls are visible just underneath.  Digging in, the ice cream has a soft and sticky texture to it.  As I taste it I sense there are some ice crystals in it.  I think something went wrong with this pint.  This is my third Alden's pint and this is the second time that this has happened (previous time here).  I even went to a different store in case it was a problem with the freezer case of a particular grocery store.  I continue eating to see what it might taste like if there were no consistency issues.  The fudge is alright, but the cookie dough pieces are not that numerous and do not taste like much.

This is a bit of dud pint from Alden's -- for the second time in three pints.  I think I may give up on this brand.  If this was a discount brand, I could appreciate it for what it is, but this is marketed as organic ice cream from Oregon and is priced the same as Ben & Jerry's and Häagen-Dazs.  Chime in if you've had better luck than me.

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