Thursday, August 13, 2020

Jeni's - Raspberry Rose Jelly Donut

Raspberry Rose Jelly Donut - Vanilla Custard with Donut Pieces and a Soft Raspberry Rose Petal Jam
Today is another flavor from the Columbus-based Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream.  This is the sixth and final flavor from my recent online shipment.  The first five pints from my shipment formed the State Fair Collection.  Shipments can be up to six pints, though, so I added another flavor called Raspberry Rose Jelly Donut.  This flavor came out earlier this year and is based on those jelly donuts which are so commonly found at any place that sells donuts.  I am always worried about the red jelly dripping all over my shirt when I have these, but here I get to use a spoon.  Here, vanilla custard forms the base and donut pieces and raspberry rose jam are the mix-ins.

Removing the lid and peeling back the protective seal, the top of the pint is quite beautiful.  The Vanilla custard has a yellowish off-white color and the swirl of raspberry rose jam forms a nice streak across the top.  Digging in, the custard base is a bit 'fluffy' in texture.  Perhaps that is the effect of the donut pieces mixed into it.  The donut pieces are soft and chewy and work pretty well -- they stay soft and not soggy while immersed in the custard.  The raspberry rose jam has a rather funny taste to it.  It is sweet and tart as expected but the balance between those two is a bit off -- or perhaps not to my personal preference.  It tastes a bit medicine-y to me -- sort of sticky sweet.  I was able to finish the pint, but I had a funny jam taste in my mouth for most of the time.

In my opinion, this is a rare misfire from Jeni's here.  I was prepared to love this pint, but I found the taste of the jam swirl a bit too off-putting.  Jeni's has done Berry swirls very well in the past -- Brambleberry Crisp is one of the best berry-themed pints I have ever had and the Outland-themed Clare's Cabinet is a fun, exotic twist mixing berries with chamomile and clove.  Maybe it's the raspberry they used?  Anyhow, I cannot personally recommend it.  If you don't trust me -- or if I got a bad batch -- then you could sample it yourself at a scoop shop to see if this particular jam is more appealing to you.

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