Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ample Hills - The Flavor of Record

The Flavor of Record - Sweet Cream Ice Cream with Deep Fudge Swirls and Housemade Black & White Cookies

I have ordered a shipment from the Brooklyn-based Ample Hills Creamery!  I stumbled upon this brand a few years ago on one of my visits to my sister who lives in New York City.  I have trying to keep up by making orders online.  This shipment is the "A Taste of New York 4-Pack" and contains today's pint "The Flavor of Record" and flavors which are specific to individual scoop shops in the New York City Area.  Apologies to my local readers, none of this is available in Minnesota grocery stores.

As mentioned above, today's flavor is called "The Flavor of Record" and was created for the first  New York Times Food Festival which was held earlier this month.  The name of the flavor is a pun on the 'paper of record' distinction that is sometimes bestowed upon the paper.  The flavor is based upon the black and white cookie which is one of those uniquely New York treats and 'black-and-white' creates yet another newspaper-related pun.  Today I learned that the cookie was actually invented Glaser's Bakery which was not far from my sister's apartment on the Upper East Side.  Glaser's closed just last year after being open for more than a century.  I can't remember if I ever went there.  If not, I like to think that they supplied all the black and white cookies to all the local delis and markets in the area.

On to the ice cream!  Removing the lid shows an off-white cream color to the sweet cream base (Ample Hills uses eggs in their base which explains the yellowish color).  I see a little bit of white color - presumably from the vanilla frosting.  I also see quite a bit of the fudge swirl.  Digging in, the ice cream is thick, creamy and delicious.  I quickly encounter a large number of cookie pieces.  The cookies seem to be cut into small cubes which let allow them to be mixed in quite well.  I also notice that often the frosting gets its own cube.  Some of the cubes appear to be mostly vanilla frosting, some mostly chocolate frosting and some mostly cookie.  The cookie pieces are soft and chewy.  The fudge swirls help to make the pint a bit more chocolatey.

This is a fun pint from Ample Hills.  A black-and-white cookie themed flavor is a great idea.  Fans of this particular cookie should definitely check this out.  For those unfamiliar with this particular New York novelty treat, blend of chocolate, vanilla and soft cookies into ice cream make for a great combination.

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