Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Izzy's - Chocolate

Chocolate - Chocolate Ice Cream

Today's flavor is a pre-packaged pint from the Saint-Paul-based Izzy's Ice Cream.  This flavor is simply Chocolate.  The scoop shop is temporarily closed, but you can buy pre-packaged Izzy's pints at many local grocery stores.  I got my pint at Lunds, but I've also seen them at Hyvee, Whole Foods and Kowalski's.  I have reviewed most of the pre-packaged flavors from Izzy's, but I noticed I have not gotten around to doing a write-up for their implementation of chocolate.  Now seems as good of a time as ever.  The packaging proudly states that they get their cocoa powder from Guittard.  Let's see how it tastes!

Opening the lid, the chocolate brown has a solid brown color as expected.  I don't usually comment, on the surface texture, but it looks really good.  You can almost tell that it'll be extra creamy just by looking at it.  Digging in, the ice cream is indeed thick and creamy.  It is surprisingly easy to scoop despite still being firm and frozen.  The chocolate flavor is quite good, there is very little bitterness but not overly sweet, so the cocoa/sugar balance is very well done.  It does not have the taste of a frozen hot chocolate like some bases do -- this is more the taste of a very good chocolate bar.

This is a very well done and delicious implementation of a simple chocolate ice cream from Izzy's.  Since scoop shops are closed these days, buying pints is a way to support your local brands.  If your grocery store carries Izzy's and you are in the mood for chocolate, try this pint and see if you like it.

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