Saturday, March 14, 2020

Häagen-Dazs - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough - Vanilla Ice Cream with Cookie Dough Pieces and Chocolate Chips
There was a one-day sale at Lund's a couple of weeks ago for pints of Häagen-Dazs so I picked myself up a pint.  The Lund's in Highland Park did not have any of the new 2020 flavors yet, so I had to find a flavor which I had not yet tried.  I have tried all of the newer and more unique flavors, so I had to scan my phone for a while to find a flavor I have not yet tried.  It turns out that I have not had their Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor yet!  Let's see how their implementation compares to other brands!

Inside their vanilla ice cream, I see lots of chocolate chips and a couple of pieces of cookie dough.  They are using a separate mix-ins for the chocolate chips.  I have seen that before with Graeter's.  Many other brands mix the chocolate chips into the dough, though keeping them separate is not a bad way to put more chocolate into the mix.  The cookie dough is chewy and had a buttery flavor.  The chips are simple but quite good, they are the same ones that they use in their other 'chip' flavors such as Mint Chip.

This is a good implementation of a cookie dough flavor from Häagen-Dazs.  Splitting the chocolate chips into a separate mix-in makes me feel like there is a little less cookie dough than some implementations, but it does deliver more chocolate.  If you like the 'chip' part of chocolate chip cookie dough, this might be for you. 

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