Monday, March 30, 2020

Pumphouse Creamery - Mint Chocolate Chip

Mint Chocolate Chip - Peppermint Ice Cream with Chocolate Chips
The next flavor is from the Pumphouse Creamery in south Minneapolis.  I picked this up in the "before times" but I just checked their website and their temporary hours during the pandemic are 12-6 for pints/quart sales only.  The flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip.  Long-time readers will know this is my favorite ice cream dating back to when I was a kid.  Pumphouse has had a lot of unusual and eccentric flavors this winter (e.g. Corn Masa, Black Garlic, Dill Pickle) so I feel I should be showing that they do standard and popular flavors as well.  Pumphouse has recently written about this flavor in their website diary describing how they have found a new source of mint -- the Seeley Mint Farm in Oregon.  Let's check it out.

Cracking open the lid, the peppermint base is bright white and there are lots of fine chocolate chips visible right away.  Digging in, the mint flavor is quite potent but not overpowering.  It's strong yet not chalky or dry, the base remains quite creamy.  I like it.  It is very delicious.  The chips provide a bit of chocolate but since they are small chips it is not as much as I expected.  This is not a complaint, I am just noting that this is a very minty version of mint chip.

I quite liked this implementation of mint chocolate chip from Pumphouse Creamery.  As I mentioned above, this is not as chocolatey as some mint chip pints are, but it is one of the best peppermint bases that I have yet tried.  That Seeley Mint Farm makes really good mint!  So, this is more of a mint-lovers mint chip and that is OK. 

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