Thursday, April 23, 2020

Häagen-Dazs - Green Tea

Green Tea - Green Tea Ice Cream
While waiting for grocery store freezer cases to get stocked with the new flavors for 2020, I have been taking inventory of some of the popular brands to see how many of their flavors I have not yet reviewed.  I recently discovered I was only three short of a complete survey of Häagen-Dazs flavors, so I figured I might as well finish them off.  The first flavor was Vanilla Chocolate Chip and I reviewed it a couple of weeks ago.  The second flavor is today flavor: Green Tea.  I bought it at Lund's in Highland Park.  This is made with Japanese matcha green tea.  I have reviewed one other green tea flavor: Coolhaus' Mo Matcha Mochi which combined a matcha base with mochi mix-ins.  Let's see how this compares!

Removing the lid, I see the bright green color of the matcha tea base.  Digging in, I taste the green tea flavor right away.  It is quite good.  There is a hint of bitterness which is typical of matcha in the 'finish' of the flavor, but it is not too strong -- just enough to let you know that it is there.  As I continued eating, the flavor stayed refreshing and I had no problems finishing the pint in one sitting.   This is a homogeneous pint with no mix-ins.

I liked this flavor.  It does not have as intenzse of a flavor as the Coolhaus flavor that I reviewed last year, so hardcore matcha fans may prefer that pint, but the pleasantness of this pint might be a better introduction to the flavor of green tea for those who are not familiar.

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