Friday, September 6, 2019

Izzy's - Nut Crazy

Nut Crazy - Maple Syrup flavored Ice Cream with Almonds, Brazil Nuts and Cashews
Today I returned to Izzy's Ice Cream in Saint Paul for a flavor called Nut Crazy.  This is not an award winning flavor or anything, I'm just a big fan of nuts and felt like I needed to give it a try.  On closer inspection, it looks like a twist on their Maple Nut flavor which I reviewed a couple of years ago.  Both have maple syrup flavored bases.  Maple Nut just has walnuts while this flavor has almonds, brazil nuts and cashews.  Lets check it out!

Removing the pint and the maple base has a light beige color.  Digging in, the maple flavor is quite noticeable.  I think it is actually a bit stronger than the flavor of the previous Maple Nut pint.  I expected that flavor to be more maple-y while this flavor would be more nutty.  This is definitely more maple-y!  Checking the ingredient list, this pint lists "maple background flavor" while Maple Nut lists an organic maple syrup from a local brand.  So perhaps maple syrup connoisseurs would prefer that pint.  I was raised on the name-brand artificial syrup, so I do not mind. As I scoop further down, I quickly encounter the nuts.  Boy, are there a lot of nuts!  I taste the brazil nuts and the cashews right away.  The almonds are not as easy to spot, but on further inspection, I do see them.  I got a few hazelnuts (a.k.a. filberts) too, which I was not expecting as the flavor description on their website did not advertize though.  That's great though.  I absolutely love mixed nuts -- the 'deluxe' kind with no peanuts -- and this pint has just about all of them.

This is an excellent nut-based flavor from Izzy's Ice Cream!  There is just about every deluxe type of nut in the mix and there are quite a lot of them, too.  This is definitely the nuttiest pint I have ever had.  Nut lovers should not hesitate to try this flavor.

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