Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Museum of Ice Cream - Cone Zone

Cone Zone - Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream with Chocolate Coated Sugar Cone Pieces and a Fudge Ribbon

Today we move on to the second new flavor released this summer by the Museum of Ice Cream.  This first flavor was called Queen Bee.  This flavor is called Cone Zone.  I got this flavor at my local Target.  The name of the flavor made me laugh because one of the local television stations has a weekly feature called "Cone Zone" where they discuss road construction projects in the area and how it might affect your daily commute.  Now, I am imagining that this flavor is the favorite of that local traffic reporter.  Who knows, perhaps it is?  Of course, the cones are ice cream cones and not construction cones!  The sugar cone pieces are chocolate-coated and then mixed into vanilla and chocolate ice creams along with a fudge fudge ribbon.  Let's check it out!

Opening the pint, I see the marbling of the vanilla and chocolate bases along with hints of the fudge ribbon.  Two distinct bases of vanilla and chocolate is a simple combination but it is often a very successful one.  Ben & Jerry's Half Baked is a famously successful version of swirled chocolate and vanilla bases.  As I dig in, that flavor combination works well here as well.  Soon, I encounter the fudge ribbon which is quite good.  The chocolate-covered cone pieces were more chocolatey than I expected , but the cone pieces inside were not very crunchy.  All the extra chocolate without the crunch inside made it taste like an extension of the fudge ribbon.

This is a decent flavor.  The chocolate and vanilla bases went well together and there were two chocolatey mix-ins which were quite delicious.  The flavor is named "Cone Zone" though and the cone pieces did not contribute enough to warrant top-billing in the flavor name.  If you can overlook that, you can enjoy the big chunky chocolate mix-ins.  If cone pieces are important, you should try Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream for its light crunchy cone pieces or the darker cone pieces of Häagen-Dazs' Caramel Cone which also features decadent amounts of caramel.

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