Monday, July 20, 2020

Pumphouse Creamery - Mocha with Almond Toffee

Mocha with Almond Toffee - Chocolate-Coffee Ice Cream with Chocolate-Covered Almond Toffee Pieces
Today's flavor comes from the Pumphouse Creamery.  This one is called Mocha with Almond Toffee.  I got it at the scoop shop in south Minneapolis.  This one has a mocha base (chocolate mixed with coffee) and has almond toffee mix-ins.  The coffee is from Ruby Roasters of Stevens Point, Wisconsin and the toffee comes from Mayana Chocolate of Spooner, Wisconsin. Looks interesting.

Cracking open the lid, I see that the mocha chocolate base as the expected brown color.  It is definitely not a dark chocolate, but mixing with coffee has not lightened the color much, either.  I try a spoonful and the base has a very nice chocolate flavor.  I do not immediate taste the coffee.  I check the ingredients and it looks like a decaf coffee is used.  That could explain the lack of bite.  It could also the coffee-chocolate blend here is weighted towards the chocolate side.  No complaints, just making observations.  It tastes quite good.  As I scoop further down, I start to encounter the almond toffee pieces.  These are chunks of variable size that have a solid texture but crumble into pieces quite easily when I bite into them.  They provide a little bit of almond flavor, but mainly provide some hard texture to bit into amidst all the creamy chocolate.

This is a decent pint from Pumphouse.  The mocha blend in the base is chocolate-heavy and the almond toffee pieces were rather fun.  It is worth trying out if you are in the mood for a chunky chocolate.

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