Friday, January 17, 2020

Sweet Science - Espresso Brownie Party

Espresso Brownie Party - White Chocolate Vanilla Ice Cream with Espresso Brownies and Sprinkles

Today we return for the second January flavor from the Saint Paul-based Sweet Science Ice Cream.  The first flavor was Lemon Meringue Pie and today's flavor is called Espresso Brownie Party.  It features brownies made with espresso as mix-ins in a white chocolate vanilla base.  Sprinkles are in the mix as well -- I guess the sprinkles are the source of the 'party'.

Removing the lid, I see that the white chocolate vanilla base is quite white in color.  I see several of the brownie mix-ins right away.  I also see quite a few of the rainbow-colored sprinkles.  Digging in, the base has a very good texture.  White chocolate is a very neutral flavor to my taste buds so I taste mainly a hint of vanilla here.  The cocoa butter might make it a bit richer than a straight sweet cream or vanilla.  It is clear here that the base is to serve as a vehicle for the brownies.  The brownie mix-ins are bite-sized and soft.  They are also very delicious.  The chocolate dominates the espresso in these brownies at first.  Interestingly, I noticed the espresso most after I had finished the pint as a got a bit of a caffeine buzz from them.  The sprinkles provided a little bit of texture and sugar, but as with other ice creams I have had with sprinkles, most of what they bring is visual appeal.  These sprinkles do look great and make it feel like a party.

This is an excellent pint from Sweet Science.  The brownies are the main attraction here.  They have a great soft texture and deliver good chocolate flavor (with a kick of caffeine).  Check it out if you like brownie mix-ins.

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