Friday, December 4, 2020

Jeni's - Sugar Plum

Sugar Plum - Amaretti Cookies, Puckery Plum Jam and Plum Wine Sweet Cream

Today is the third pint from my recent four-pint shipment from Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream.  This flavor is called Sugar Plum and is a holiday flavor which I believe was introduced this year.  It is a new flavor for me at any rate.  A reminder to local readers that I bought this flavor online and I do not believe it is available in local grocery stores.  The flavor features a plum-wine infusd ice cream with a plum jam swirl and amaretti cookie mix-ins.  I have had plum in ice cream a couple of times before.  Once was Umeshu Chocolate from Izzy's (dark chocolate spiked with plum wine) and the other was Brown Butter Plum from Honeymoon Ice Cream which is more similar today's pint featuring a plum jam swirl and an oat crumble instead of amaretti cookie crumble.  

Sugar Plum makes me think of the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker ballet.  Oh, and I guess sugar plums were what was dancing in the heads of the children in the famous "A Visit from St. Nicholas" poem.  I don't believe I have ever had a sugar plum dessert, but they do sound good.  Over the years, the term 'sugar plum' has been expanded to include other types of candied fruits, but in today's flavor, Jeni's will be sticking with the original plum.  Let's check it out!

Removing the lid and peeling back the protective label, I see an off-white ice cream base with a spiral-like streak of plum jam visible.  Digging in, the plum-wine infused base is delicious.  It has a light plum flavor, the wine makes it a little aromatic, but certainly nothing too strong.  The plum jam swirl is stronger and more tangy.  It is also quite good.  Soon I encounter the cookies.  These are small and more crumbly than crunchy and provide a touch of almond flavor but certainly nothing to steal the show away from the plum.  I like it.  It complements the base and the swirl quite well.

This is an excellent holiday flavor from Jeni's.  It's delicious and unique -- my favorite combination!  They really hit the ball out of the park here.  I'd recommend this flavor to anyone, not just people who like plums.  The only downside of this flavor is that it's seasonal, so like the amazing Cognac with Gingerbread, you'll likely only find this in November & December and likely only online and in scoop shops (most grocery stores don't carry the seasonal flavors).  Of course, if you can find it, then treat yourself!

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